Three Tips To Care For Your Live Edge Wood Tabletops

22 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog


So you spent a little bit extra to get beautiful live edge wood tabletops in your home. While these pieces of furniture, found at sites like, are well worth the cost to spruce your home up, you should make sure that you are also putting in the extra effort to take great care of them. Otherwise, you will see the beautiful wood begin to deteriorate and become less of a work of art and more of an eyesore. To be sure that you are doing right by your wood tabletops, consider these points of maintenance and apply them. 

Tip #1: Don't Expose The Tables To Too Much Humidity

You need to be mindful of where you are keeping this new piece of furniture if you want it to last a long time. Humidity can wreak havoc on your furniture pieces, causing cracks or swelling depending on the levels. For that reason, you need to be mindful of the exact percentages you are maintaining inside of your home. Humidity levels of 40 to 45 percent are ideal if you plan to get the absolute most out of your wood tabletops. Keep your air conditioner in great condition and invest in a humidifier if necessary. 

Tip #2: Learn Some Natural Cleaning Remedies

As long as you own your beautiful wood tabletops, you will need to apply some necessary cleaning measures. Rather than jumping to chemical based products, work to preserve the wood by using natural cleaning remedies. You can work wonders by using a mixture of natural white vinegar, dish washing liquid and warm water. Combine this mixture, throw on a pair of solid rubber cleaning gloves and dedicate a good half hour to thoroughly cleaning your tables with plenty of elbow grease and attention to detail. 

Tip #3: Avoid And Limit Direct Contact With The Sun

To truly preserve your wood tabletops, you will need to make sure that it is not taking on too much sunlight. Ideally, you should strive to limit exposure as much as possible, since focused sunlight shining through your windows can reach temperatures as high as 140 degrees. This direct sunlight will cause your wood tables to crack and shrink over time. Because of this, you should situate your table away from windows if possible or apply window dressings that will limit this exposure.

When you follow these three tips, you will keep your beautiful table in great condition for years.